Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Crunching Numbers

Alternate post title: Sweet Baby Jesus, I might not have to live at home much longer!

Hi, my name is Mary and I am a spendaholic. I have acquired some (*ahem* a lot) of debt as a result of this addiction. This debt is the main reason that, at 24 years old, with a Bachelor's degree and full-time job, I live with my parents. Don't think I don't kick myself in the ass at least 10x daily for that one, believe me.

However! Due to a combination of factors and some badass luck on my part, I might be able to get out by October 1st. Yes! That's right folks! A measly 4 months after moving in! It's a Chrismukkah in July miracle!

Okay, sorry. Got a little carried away with the exclamation points.

A fabulous friend has offered me her spare bedroom at way cheaper than I could get a place on my own. I have finally consolidated payments and blah blah blah down to one monthly payment, so that I know exactly how much I owe monthly and when. I will be teaching Sunday School in the fall, increasing my income slightly (veeerrrryyyyy slightly). And since I'll be teaching Sunday School, hopefully I won't be spending quite so much money on booze. Right.

So the goal is October 1st. There are a few more things to get in order/check into, but I think it's going to work. And it couldn't come soon enough because, well...there's a boy. And I like him and he likes me and we like having sex. And, well yeah. Refer to the rules.

So do me a favor and send positive thoughts (or donations!) my way. I need out.


  1. Oh your lucky. I am similar. In way too much debt and living with the parental units. Mind you I can't really complain too much cos there aren't really any rules. Good luck with it! :)

  2. YAY!! for you!! I am genuinely happy for you. I would die if I have to go back home to the parentals!! and their lovely rules.. NOT!!!
