Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sharky is so mad at me right now...

Ack! So the thing about being super social is that it takes up time you used to spend on nerdy things like...blogging. Oops! Couple that with a busy week at work and a gimpy finger (currently splinted, please excuse any typos), and you get an out of date blog. Sorry.

So let's see, what did we miss? Well, Tuesday night we lost to a kickball team with only 8 players. That was...sad. Thursday night softball, the other team didn't even show up! We took batting practice (and I hit a lot of ground balls right to infielders :p) and then I met the kickball boys at their kickball bar. Friday night was their league's mid-season party (are we sensing a trend here?). I definitely got the most drunk I've been in a while...oops. But I think I'm slowly making new girlfriends (Hi Kat and Lisa)!

Saturday was my second in a row with rented movies and pleasant company...we watched Taken (which I'd seen and liked) and Righteous Kill (which I sort of slept through some of but wasn't impressed). I spent Sunday in bed watching a Harry Potter marathon on ABC Family because I. am. that. awesome. Not sure whether I'll try to see the new one this weekend...it's going to be a mob scene of nauseatingly spoiled rotten preteen girls. Not really my scene.

Those are the highlights, I guess. Tonight is the first week of playoffs for kickball (read: our last week of kickball since we can't beat anyone)...I made jello shots. Thursday is a double header for softball (also playoffs). I'm sure I'll cram some more heavy drinking in there somewhere.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thirsty Girl

So the thing about being in your mid-twenties is that most social interactions with peers tend to revolve around drinking. As someone who never really did the hardcore drinking thing in high school or even college, this is something that I've struggled with in the past. And by struggled with, I mean I just pussied out and never hung out with anyone as a result.

Apparently, I'm over it. I have been out every night but Sunday since last Saturday. And I have consumed beer at every function. Sometimes lots of it. At Trent and Todd's Awesome Fourth of July Party last night I probably had...I don't really want to guess. A lot of beer. And I never really got all that drunk.

So yeah, I'm pretty sure my tolerance has doubled in the last two weeks. I'm not sure whether to be impressed or embarrassed. I'm going with impressed for now...you're only 24 once, right?